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Bring Your Own Bag to the Market


One of the negative environmental impacts; It is the pollution of plastics in the different ecosystems of our planet, affecting each of the species that coexist on it. Intercultural Fest creates educational campaigns to guide the community to the reuse of plastic bags and their final disposal and the permanent use of cloth bags.

Bilingual Signage


As part of the inclusion of each of the cultures of the different countries, there is the identification of the signage in specific places with the respective translation for their understanding.

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 Green Zone Space"

Environmental School

To guide the different communities on different environmental issues, generating workshops aimed at showing alternatives in waste management and its transformation, contribution to the environment.

  • Plant trees. Consult your local environment authorities to determine the type and number of trees needed, as well as the location for planting. 

  • Hold an environment-themed photo contest at a local school. Reward the winner with a tree planted in their honor or another green form of recognition.

  • Challenge all students to add at least one green habit to their daily lives. Inspire others by sharing your actions on social media. Habits might include:

    • Using a reusable water bottle or coffee mug rather than disposable products.

    • Changing to energy-saving lightbulbs.

    • Setting a time limit for your shower to reduce water consumption.

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Ecotourism Guide

Design of an ecotourism guide for the community, which takes into account everything related to the environment and our surroundings (Eco parks, recycling sites, sponsored parks, sale of local agriculture, ecological trails, energy transformation and contribution to the environment)
Ecotourism is a sub-component of the field of sustainable tourism. Ecotourism must serve to maximize ecological benefits while contributing to the economic, social, and cultural wellbeing of communities living close to ecotourism venues.

Plant a flower, save a bee

Part of the production of food in the world lies in the permanence of bees on the ground, it is important to plant flowers in gardens; in order to feed them. The health of the planet depends on bees.

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